Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The problem with spending an overwhelming amount of time with my sorority sisters is that I've had to be reminded about how shitty they are. Half my girlfriends are going through boy troubles, and hearing their stories was like being hit with a bucket of ice water.

K. said something to me that I've been mulling over since yesterday. And it's sad how we've come to be so cynical of relationships because we're afraid of getting hurt.

K: "When you're in a relationship, it's always better to care less about it than the other person."
L: " that they have to adjust to your comfort level."
K: "Exactly. And the risk of you getting hurt is probably less."

Sigh. Sad but true.

Being hurt automatically builds up those callouses, so that trusting people completely is next to impossible without taking a huge step to get there.

And it's sad that there's so much comfort in being alone, that you never risk getting hurt.

I hope I'm not doomed to that fate. I already feel the callouses around me. I guess it'll just have to take the right man to wear them down.

1 comment:

Lewis Leong said...

You are so bitter/jaded, Liz.