Sunday, July 26, 2009


So right now I'm taking one from two separate things - my Italian oral exams starting tomorrow and all the relationship craziness that's going on. So I'm just going to take a chill pill and ignore both... for now.

And speaking of relationship craziness, I've decided something today. The next time I'm in a serious relationship, like.. for-serious serious, I don't want to say 'I love you' until I really mean it. If the guy says it first, I don't want to reply just because it sounds nice.

This isn't high school anymore, even though you can get away with it much easier. Guys just say it to get what they want from girls, considering their maturity level at the time. And I understand that. But even in high school, I used to get kind of upset hearing girls throw around those words for the boyfriends they switched up every 3 months. So irritating.

Love is about choosing the highest good for the other person. And if you can't handle the selflessness of that statement, then you're obviously either not in love or not mature enough for it yet.

This is real life, now. It's a big deal to say those words, and it always has been. That's why there's always a suspenseful moment when a girl finally blurts it out or a guy makes his heartfelt proclamation of love. To like someone is as different as being crazy about them as it is being in love with them. And being premature about it is what breaks hearts and gets people in trouble. You really, truly have to understand what you put at stake when you wholeheartedly feel that way about someone.

And if all goes well, I won't have to say those words for a very long time. When I'm with the right person and our relationship has matured to a certain place, then yes, I'll be ready. But for now, I'm just going to sit and wait, and save those words for my family and lighthearted remarks. I'm in no hurry :)

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