Monday, July 6, 2009


It's just past midnight. I've been thoroughly comforted and convinced that I am a good person and I didn't do anything wrong. I just now need to convince myself that ignoring people will be better than trying to talk to them in the long run.

So long! Thou shalt not hear my voice for many, many, many months to come.

As much as I love God, I feel like he's punishing me with all this crap. I'm having a bit of a Job moment, if you will. Things were going down the shitter, then they got really good, and now they're starting on their downward spiral. Why? Is that what life is? Just a series of ups and downs??

And what about timing? Why God, why are you punishing me by presenting me with all these great opportunities and shitty situations exactly when I DON'T need them?!

Life needs saran wrap. Or one of those vacuum sealer things where I can just wrap everything up really nicely, tie a bow atop it, and set it up on shelf and come back to it in 6 months. I would have liked to do that a few days ago, just paused my life at a time when friends existed, bonds were intact, and smiles hid secrets. Then I would take a nap till September, ship off to England, have a whirlwind romance with a terribly charming rich Briton who would spoil me silly for a few months, then come back and have my life resume from a very advantageous point. Advantageous for me, I guess.

*headdesk* and a *faceplam* for good measure.

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