Tuesday, July 21, 2009


They're on the future, baby!

It's July 21st, meaning I will be in London in approximately 2 months. As the countdown is continuing, I just want to list off a few things I am and am not looking forward to before I leave.


Seeing my boys AHHH!! This AIM relationship I have going on right now with them (and the occasional phone call) is getting a little tiring, and frankly, I miss their physical presence. It's hard to be an overwhelmingly cute girl-who's-a-friend if I can't be around for punches (giving them of course, not receiving) and hugs (both). I miss the innuendos, the really really blatant sexual suggestiveness, talking about the differences between men and women, and certain noises coming out of someone's mouth when we play Halo. Man...food, beer, and Halo don't sound bad at all right now! Give me a BR and some good dudes and good times will be had!

Dating! I have a date to go on when I arrive in Orange County :) How exciting, right? (Especially after that disastrous affair with unnamed cute guy who loves being a flake! Asshat. I should unfriend him on FB) Hopefully he won't change his mind by the time I get there, considering anything can happen in 2 months, 400 miles away from each other. Right now, the goal is just to keep myself interesting and intriguing enough until then. We've been planning this out for a while, so it's just as torturous to think about it as it is pleasant. We'll just go with it for now. :)

Shopping I don't care how much of a fucking geek I am or advertise myself as. God, do I love shopping. Especially when I have a excuse purpose, like buying England clothes. I've been eying a certain pair of boots for a few days now. I wonder how long it'll take me before I cave in. This is very bad for my credit card. Just trying to look cute. That's the goal!

Packing I'm a freak and I love packing. That is all.

Not awesome!

NOT seeing my boys! OR MY GIRLS FOR THAT MATTER!! :( :( I'm going to miss all my friends so much. God, I talk like I'm going away forever. But it's true! I've been really missing my sisters lately, and I know its going to get worse after I leave. Certain friends have promised to Skype with me while I'm abroad, coincidentally shirtless in hopes of attracting any females who might be around the computer at the time HAHAHA. I can't wait. Shenanigans...

Dating This goes both for before, during, and after my trip. Overall, I'm trying not to think about this area too much because pessimism is my modus operandi, and I don't like the idea of potentially setting myself up for more disappointment, even though I catch myself doing it a lot more lately. I'm just trying to live in the moment and enjoy what I have, which is complete awesomeness, and put a little bit of faith and hope into the future. After that, there's not much more one can do, right? :)

So here's my official prayer: Lord, I give you my dating/romantic life. It's as awesome as it is complicated, so frankly I don't want to think about it right now. I have better things to think and stress out about. You, being omniscient and everything, obviously know the future and know what's best for me. I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing, and You can deal with it. Thanks, you're the best!

Oh, and I'm trying to suppress my girly fantasies that I'll have some sort of whirlwind romance with a sickenly-charming Briton with lots of money who'll spoil me for a few months, like some sort of twisted Disney movie, because it probably won't happen. (I'm such a Happy Harriet, right? :P ) When in reality, my awkwardness will somehow increase exponentially the more time zones I cross. Oh Jesus, I'll need prayers in this area.

Damnit, my awkwardness is awesome and if unnamed Briton can't see that, then he can suck my balls.

Life in England Oh Jesus, I actually have to be outgoing enough to meet people. Excellent..........

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